If you are going through a Michigan divorce, there are critical issues involving asset division, alimony, and child care and support. ...

2clickforhoward2018-09-220News 00

You know that your future depends on the quality of your legal defense when you have been charged with a crime....

7clickforhoward2018-09-170News 00

Do not wait another minutes to contact a lawyer if you have been charged with a DUI/OWI. ...

Do not wait another minutes to contact a lawyer if you have been charged with a DUI/OWI. Call the Grand Rapids....

3clickforhoward2018-08-290Arts 00

Do not wait another minutes to contact a lawyer if you have been charged with a DUI/OWI. Call the Grand Rapids, Michigan top DUI attorneys at Van Den Heuvel Law...

3clickforhoward2018-08-180News 00

You know that your future depends on the quality of your legal defense when you have been charged with a crime....

1clickforhoward2018-08-080News 00

You know that your future depends on the quality of your legal defense when you have been charged with a crime.Call the Grand Rapids Criminal Defense Attorney a...

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