0Bondstephanie2019-03-190News 00

Customer is Australia's leading insurance company. Customer's security team had been performing penetration tests using various commercial tools like Acunetix, ...

0Bondstephanie2019-03-180News 00

Given that it is literally the industry of money, fintech is an enticing target for cyber-criminals desiring to become rich instantly....

2Bondstephanie2019-03-150News 00

Ranging from personal details to business-critical data, a wide variety of information gets targeted in these cyber-crimes. ...

0Bondstephanie2019-03-130News 00

Having secured over 3000 applications over a period of 6 years and after 300 customer engagements, Entersoft has developed an Application Security Maturity Scor...

0Bondstephanie2019-03-120News 00

Banks partner with Fintech startups to implement technologies such as Robo advice, Chatbots, KYC and Regtech, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data....

0Bondstephanie2019-03-110News 00

XSSJacking is a new web-based attack that combines three other techniques — Clickjacking, Pastejacking, and Self-XSS — to steal data from users....

0Bondstephanie2019-03-080News 00

Fintech cyber security case study,Client was in talks with largest bank in Australia to get their application implemented for bank processes....

0Bondstephanie2019-03-070News 00

Logistic security, Website security testing that you can trust! Entersoft provides reliable and pragmatic security assessments for your website. Best VAPT for y...

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