2healthitech2018-08-070Business 00

Using EMR Integration, any individual’s data can be created, organized, managed and monitored within an organization......

2healthitech2018-08-040News 00

Here are some considerations or best practices that should be considered before selecting and implementing an EHR for the medical billing needs....

2healthitech2018-08-030Health 00

Premium patient engagement software helps in making interactive channel between patients and their doctor. A healthcare requires intuitive system that will not....

2healthitech2018-07-180Health 00

Today, in this era of global computing, IT digital technologies have enabled a third evolutionary wave in the healthcare industry. With continued advances in me...

3healthitech2018-07-140Health 00

Patient portals are healthcare related websites that enable 24-hour personal health services to patients across the globe......

2healthitech2018-07-120Health 00

The patient engagement software had a marketplace worth about $5.5 billion back in 2014, and is expected to reach at around $13.7 billion by 2019....

4healthitech2018-07-110News 00

The invention of EHR or Electronic Health Records has been a boon to the health industry. The digital records of the medical history and health details of a pat...

3healthitech2018-06-220Health 00

Now coming to the HL7 messaging standard, it helps in transferring the data across the medical units. It is one of the most widely used standards among the heal...

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